Side Menu: Titanic's Officers 1. RMS Titanic 2. RMS Carpathia 3. SS Californian 4. Articles Latest updates: Captain Titanic 41. Titanic Beer 40. Captain Goes Down With Ship 39. On Duty in Pictures 38. Lightoller legacy: Sgt King 37. Titanic Officers on Film
Titanic's OfficersExtensive and regularly updated information on RMS Titanic's officers, as well as the officers involved in the disaster, such as those aboard the RMS Carpathia and SS Californian. Boarded Boarding Arriving Soon 1. Captain E.J. Smith 2. Chief Officer Wilde 3. First Officer Murdoch 4. Second Officer Lightoller 5. Third Officer Pitman 6. Fourth Officer Boxhall 7. Fifth Officer Lowe 8. Sixth Officer Moody 9. Purser McElroy 10. Pilot George Bowyer 11. Second Officer Blair 12. Captain H.J. Haddock Join the Official FaceBook Group:for the latest information Titanic's Officers (Official) Links to other websites Sources and references Privacy Policy