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Fourth Officer Joseph Boxhall
- Life in Pictures

Joseph Boxhall in 1912.

A close up from an American
Press Associaton photograph
of Boxhall testifying before
the Senate, 22 April 1912.

An artist's sketch of Boxhall testifying before the Senate.

Another courtroom sketch of Boxhall at the
Senate Inquiry, looking decidely unhappy.

Joseph Boxhall in 1912.

Joseph Boxhall in 1912.

Undated image of a Joseph Boxhall
(Boxhall family/Inger Sheil)

Boxhall in 1919.

Boxhall with 2 stripes indicating he is
second officer.

Boxhall in 1937 while a senior officer aboard the Aquitania holding
a pair of binoculars.

Cunard "On Watch" advertisement that appeared in 1937 featuring Boxhall.

Boxhall on the set of "A Night to Remember" (1958)

Boxhall on the boat deck set of
"A Night to Remember" (1958)

Boxhall talking on the boat deck set
of "A Night to Remember".

Boxhall on the boat deck set of
"A Night to Remember" (1958)

Boxhall visits the bridge set
of "A Night to Remember"

Boxhall pointing to a Titanic model used during
the making of "A Night to Remember",
- Jonathan Smith Collection. (Click to enlarge)

Titanic's 4th Officer Joseph Groves Boxhall during a private screening of "A Night to Remember". (Click image to enlarge)

Taken at the "Odeon" Leicester Square London July 3rd 1958 during the premiere of "A Night to Remember". Herbert Pitman is on the far left, talking to the film's producer William MacQuitty (left) and Fourth officer Joseph Boxhall. (Encyclopedia Titanica)

Boxhall at the premiere of "A Night to Remember" - possibly in New York, 1958.

Boxhall in his later years.